Eating Black-Eyed Peas – A Southern Tradition On New Years’

Here in the south, we are all about our traditions and superstitions. And New Year’s food is no exception. Generally, the folklore is that eating black-eyed peas, collard greens, and cornbread on New Year’s Day will bring you good luck and good fortune in the coming year.

Why Are Black Eyed Peas Good Luck?

The practice of eating black-eyed peas for luck is generally believed to date back to the Civil War. Originally they were used as food for livestock and later as a food staple for enslaved people in the South. Because of their lowly reputation, the Union Army troops of General Sherman ignored the fields of black-eyed peas while razing or stealing other crops. During the harsh winter, the Confederate soldiers survived on the remaining black-eyed peas, promoting this humble and nourishing legume into a symbol of fortune and prosperity in the American South.

What Does Tradition Say You Should Eat With Black Eyes Pea?

Today, the tradition of eating black-Peas for the New Year has evolved into a number of variations and embellishments of the luck and prosperity theme including:

  • Served with greens (collards, mustard or turnip greens, which varies regionally), the peas represent coins and the greens represent paper money. In some areas, cabbage is used in place of the greens.
  • Cornbread, often served with black-eyed peas and greens, represents gold.
  • For the best chance of luck every day in the year ahead, one must eat at least 365 black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day.
  • Black-peas eaten with stewed tomatoes represent wealth and health.
  • In some areas, actual values are assigned with the black-beans, representing pennies or up to a dollar each and the greens representing anywhere from one to a thousand dollars.
  • Adding a shiny penny or dime to the pot just before serving is another tradition practiced by some. When served, the person whose bowl contains the penny or dime receives the best luck for the New Year, unless of course, the recipient swallows the coin, which would be a rather unlucky way to start off the year.

The catch to all of these superstitious traditions is that the black-peas are the essential element and eating only the greens without the peas, for example, will not do the trick.

Some of the Recipes to Follow

Easy Black-Eyed Peas

Whether you choose to follow the Southern New Year’s tradition or not, black peas are a good source of nutrition. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, black beans are low in fat, contain no cholesterol, and are low in sodium. They are high in potassium, iron, and fiber and a one-half cup serving of cooked black peas counts as one ounce of lean meat from the Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, and Nuts Group of the Food Guide Pyramid.

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