
The Most Common Questions

In order to ensure a relaxing and pleasant experience at Healthy Weigh Living, we’ve answered some of the questions guests of our wellness boutique frequently ask. Reviewing these suggestions will help you prepare for your upcoming wellness visit.

Infrared Light Therapy FAQ's

Light Therapy assists your body’s in its innate healing capabilities by increasing blood circulation. Studies show that when we increase blood circulation, a biochemical change starts to occur in our bodies resulting in:

Scientific effects of increased circulation include:

  • Cell stimulation that leads to pain relief and tissue healing
  • Improved muscle performance and mental clarity
  • Decreased swelling from injuries
  • Detoxifying effects

10-minute treatments at 4-6 inches from the device are optimal. 15-20 minutes for symptomatic areas may be beneficial, but beyond that, the evidence points to diminishing returns (your cells can only absorb so much light at once). For this reason, we recommend you allow at least 6 hours between treatments of the same area.

That depends on your goals and current condition. In general, acute injuries (sprains, abrasions, etc.) show rapid improvement and often resolve in 2-4 treatments. Long-term and chronic conditions may need up to 10 treatments to show significant benefits. Most clients do 3 times per week until their goals are met, then reduce to 1-2 times per week for maintenance. For athletes with a rigorous workload, 3-5 times per week is recommended for optimal recovery.

No, treatment is non-toxic, non-invasive, and has no side effects. It is safe and effective for most people.

No. It is a gentle, non-invasive, and painless therapy.

Treatment is NOT APPROPRIATE FOR THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: pregnancy, epilepsy, active cancer lesions, and anyone taking photosensitive medications.

Delivering natural light to more surface area of your body leads to better light therapy outcomes, but full nudity is not required for effective use. Lighter garments (underwear, bras, and socks) may be worn without hampering a treatment, though the covered areas not exposed directly to the light won’t receive any benefits.

No. The wavelength of red and near-infrared light is healthy for your eyes. You may want to close them and take a nap, though.

That depends on the individual, some people may experience a dry eye sensation.

No, not at all. You will not get a tan from Red Light Therapy, nor does it expose you to damaging UV rays

Remove all jewelry that could refract light. Remove as much makeup as possible, and limit the use of lotions, especially ones with light-blocking agents. Hydration is vital to the success of the treatments, so please drink water throughout the day!

The lights themselves do not become warm; however your circulation increases throughout the treatment, so you may experience a feeling of warmth. A quick energy boost or feeling of euphoria is also possible.

Hydrate! Water is essential for cellular processes, and your cells will be hard at work after the infrared lights session. Make sure to drink extra water and eat well so your cells have all the fuel they need to heal.

Pain levels for acute or chronic conditions, improvements in color or texture of scars, improvements in skin texture and tone, quality of sleep, energy levels, recovery time post-workout, and energy levels throughout the day are all good markers to track success.

It’s common to experience slight warmth, relaxation of muscles, reduced stiffness, and noticeable pain relief after a few light therapy sessions. Consistent usage over time commonly results in improved muscle recovery and reduced pain and inflammation. Clinical studies have also shown light therapy to be beneficial for wound healing, overall skin health, and even the reduction of wrinkles with consistent usage.

Red Light, as well as other light therapies, has been proven to improve Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

 Yes, it is recommended to start with a commitment of 20 minutes 3-5 times per week for the first 1-4 weeks, then 2-3 times per week for the following 4-12 weeks, and finally 1-2 times per week to maintain results.

Infrared Saunas consist of far infrared light, heating the body creating hyperthermia. This will get the immune system to act as a fever does, but artificially, because of the heat given. InLight Medical systems consist of near-infrared light, which triggers a biochemical change in the cells, such as nitric oxide and ATP production. This creates a cascade effect of other responses, including warming the tissue, but not overheating it as far-infrared does.

Clinical studies have shown light therapy to be safe and efficacious. However, if you’re considering using it with children, we recommend consulting with a healthcare professional.

Red light therapy can also increase nitric oxide, the compound that heals the cells and increases the blood flow which may help to stimulate healing and strengthen your immune system to defend against disease; regulate your blood pressure and reduce inflammation. Nitric oxide is also crucial to the health of arteries.

Infrared radiation associated with treadmill training may improve muscle function and reduce bone mass loss, preventing osteoporosis, fall, and fractures.

Foot Detox Bath FAQ's

The body needs to cleanse itself of toxins each day. Toxins, that the body cannot eliminate are stored in fatty tissue, joints, muscles, and the brain. These toxins can clog cell membrane walls which are then unable to absorb enough nutrition to support normal cell functioning. Over time, this leads to reduced vitality and weakened immune and lymphatic systems. The Ionic Foot Detox bath helps the body re-balance itself, improve pH, and increase energy levels.

Many people use diet pills for weight loss, and while they often produce results, there are many potential negative side effects. A detox foot bath has no side effects, and because it utilizes the mechanical and scientific principle of osmosis, it’s a healthy and natural way to shed weight.

Furthermore, you’ll notice an energy boost, reduced acne, and better-looking skin after a detox foot spa treatment.

To start with, you can do the footbaths every 72 hours. After about 5-10 sessions, reduce to once a week. Then for maintenance, do it once a month.


Drink plenty of water during and after your session to keep oneself hydrated. It is important to always drink a sufficient amount of water, on a daily basis. Water cleanses the body. You can feel effects in as little as a single treatment, a minimum of 3 is recommended. 

 It may! This is due to the chemical interaction of the water, salt, and the ionic exchange occurring with the array. Part of the color change occurs because of the natural oxidation of the array coil.

 Salt, water, array coil, sweat, and secretions combine to affect the color of the water. This is a normal process. The color will vary according to the chemistry found in the water. The variation of colors is fascinating but it is the internal effects that are important, not what is happening externally in the water. The color of the water is not the definitive indicator of the session.

The color varies from person to person. There are many elements that contribute to the color of the water. What is important is how you feel? Individual analysis of the water after the process is the only possible way to determine what is present in the water, plus the water would have to be analyzed prior to the treatment to determine what chemicals already exist in the water.

 Eccrine Sweat: Eccrine sweat is composed primarily of water with various salts, heavy metals, and organic compounds in solution. It is a filtrate of plasma, a colorless hypotonic solution that includes sodium, chloride, potassium, urea, bicarbonate, ammonia, uric acid, phosphorus, fatty acids, and other metabolic wastes. The tiny ducts of these glands pass through the dermis and epidermis and empty directly to the surface of the skin, or in Ionic Foot Detox Bath.

No! Only toxins are removed from the sweat glands in your feet. Vitamins, minerals, and medications are not excreted. How you feel is the most important element!

 Water is a poor conductor of electricity on its own. As a general guide, a quarter of a teaspoon of salt is sufficient, however, this may vary depending on your water type. For example, very hard water will require additional salt.

 Side effects are very rare. However, some patients may experience mild nausea or dizziness after their treatment. You should always let your doctor know if you have any health conditions or take any medications, just to be safe. Patients with diabetes or open sores on their feet should not have a detox footbath.

NO! It’s not recommended for:
People with pacemakers or using a heartbeat regulating device or medicine
People who have had an organ transplant
*People who suffer from psychotic episodes, seizures
People with epilepsy
During pregnancy or lactating
Open wounds
People under a physician’s care (consult your doctor)
After a recent surgery (make sure you are released from doctor’s care) CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN IF YOU HAVE ANY DOUBTS!

Mineral Wraps FAQ's

While everyone is different and individual results may vary, you can see benefits for detoxification and pain relief after as little as one session.weight loss, rejunevation, smoother firmer skin, and reduced stress levels will take multiple sessions, as often as every other day, to achieve.

Total inch loss is determined by comparing before wrap to after wrap measurements taken over multiple points. Body chemistry, lifestyle habits, medications, weight, and age are factors that can influence inch loss. We guarantee that you will lose at least 6-20 inches total in your first wrap.

Cellulite is primarily water-logged, toxin-ridden areas surrounding fatty tissue areas. As the toxins are released during the wrap, the fluid used to suspend those impurities will also be released. The less debris stored and the less fluid retained to suspend the particles, the less lumpiness under the surface of the skin. Your skin will have a smoother and flatter appearance accordingly as your body rids itself of these impurities.

You can get the best results from our mineral body wraps by making sure that your body is adequately hydrated and mineralized. Drinking plenty of water consistently is the best way to hydrate your body. Also plan to drink plenty of water after your body wraps to continue the flushing process.

Women need to bring a change of undergarments, panties, and bras. You will want to change into dry undergarments before getting dressed after your body wrap. Also, arrive for your body wrap wearing something tight, because when you leave, it will be loose!

After taking measurements you will be wrapped for 45 minutes, unwrapped, and re-measured. The entire process takes about 1hour 15 minutes. You may want to follow up with an active day to enhance the inch and toxin loss as the therapy may last upto 24 hours within your body.

Common sense dictates, if you are on medication or have a physical or medical condition, you should obtain your doctor’s permission.

It depends upon your own goals. If your objective is to reduce cellulite, love handles, and tighten skin, one wrap may do it. If you have longer-term goals, such as reaching a certain size, flattening out cellulite, or tightening loose skin resulting from weight loss, then you should come in once or twice a week until your goals are reached. The results of the mineral body wraps are cumulative and will speed up the results of weight loss and exercise programs dramatically.

The mineral body wrap works by eliminating the excessive accumulation of toxins and fluids stored under the skin. It is not a dehydrating process. The inch loss from the body wrap can last from 3 to 6 months as long as you don’t gain weight. Healthy lifestyles contribute to longer-lasting results. Maintenance wraps once every month or two will keep and accentuate your inch loss.

The mineral body wrap is designed to assist the body in eliminating toxins and waste products, which has many benefits, including inch and pound loss. This is a wellness program with a side effect of weight loss as long as you are willing to adapt to a healthier and happier way of living!!

Zyto Scan FAQ's

The Zyto technology makes it easier for users to check for their tests by simply placing their hand on the zyto hand scanner. The user has to place a hand on the cradle for over 3 minutes which makes it easier to obtain the most efficient results and effective results. 

The ZYTO scan has been developed for general base users which is the major reason it releases a very small amount of charge which can be used by children, adults, and even people with pacemakers. By applying a hands-on Zyto hand cradle it becomes easier to place hands without experiencing any form of issues. 

There are multiple types of zyto scans ranging from basic scans to obtain focused scans. Though there can be a follow-up appointment of 1-2 months of the gap which makes it easier to check on the change in body condition ranging from physical, emotional, and environmental stress and a lot more. 

Zyto scans have turned out to be very effective as a four-minute scan was compared to a two-day checkup of patients in China. In the end, it was obtained that both of the results had high correlations, they were able to obtain high clinical results as compared to the running diagnostic workshops. 

The zyto scans are used to check the clinical conditions and tests of your organs and cannot be used to detect or diagnose diseases. This helps medical people to save time and check for the health of organs in the patient’s body.

No, the medication should not be paused, but the clinical pressure like blood pressure and heart rate should be monitored closely, and consult the physician as specified. 

In medical terms, it’s often referred to as glandular support and it has been found that multiple nutritionist therapists were unable to maintain the required nutrients from a plant-based diet. There have been multiple vitamins that contain the required nutrients in them.

Answer Though the supplements are counted as food and this is the major reason that they are not considered under insurance. But in some plans, they are included so it’s most suitable that you must connect with your accountant and insurance expert to check if the supplements are covered.

The supplements are edible food items that are in high concentrations of food and contain only listed vitamins or proteins. So it’s highly advised that people should consume after consulting a physician and also it does not mean that they can compromise on their food. 

It does not mean that your scans will be the same every time if you keep on going to the scans. Health experts study the condition of your body by checking for the health patterns in your body so it’s highly advised that you keep a check on your health pattern. If there is some chronic disease or health issue then it can be detected easily. 

Vibration Therapy FAQ's

The FDA approves the medication and drugs which are consumed for medical purposes, it does not play a significant role in such machines which provide ease and comfort. So The vibrating machines aren’t supposed to be FDA approved for use , as they are produced in some parts of the globe and then sold for muscle pain ease purposes. 

The vibrating machines are used for targeted burning of body fat which makes it easier to burn fat at specific body parts and keeps your body at ease. This helps in dropping the body fat. 

The vibration machine works on adjusting intensives of vibrations which are applied on the body based on the simple mechanism. Multiple contractions and circulations are monitored and enhanced with the latest variable and efficient vibration technology.

The vibration machine has a series of benefits and should be used with immense care so you need to make sure that you use it wisely. Normally it should be used for 10 minutes but you can use it as per your requirements but it should be around 10-15 minutes. 

The vibration machines are used to make movement in the muscles and this movement results in fat loss in particular parts of the body. This results in fat reduction, weight loss, muscle building and in cellulite reduction. So it can help people get in shape.

Yes these machines are safe to use as they make it easier for users to reduce body fat. These machines are suitable for both types of people, the one who perform their daily workout and the other ones who do not. But it’s advisable to consult your health expert once before you make this choice. 

The vibration machine focuses directly on the concept of making movement on the muscles and this allows them not to discriminate between any sort of the muscles. The vibration machine can be used both on your hamstrings and quadriceps. 

The vibration machine works on the principle of transferring the vibrations to your body but being barefoot isn’t a wise choice as it can cause a bit of pain. So it’s suggested that you must wear thin sole shoes or slippers which would provide easy movement of vibrations to your muscles. 

The whole-body vibration is a method of bringing movement in your muscles which is a form of exercise. This vibration works on the concept of oscillatory motion of your muscles, with over 10 minutes of exercise you can experience tension in your muscle. This even improves your muscle health and reduces the fat stored in the muscles. 

The vibration machines are of great use and thus it makes it easier for them to reduce a series of factors like back pain and improves strength in your muscles. 

Welcome to Healthy Weigh Living

A Wellness Boutique