Ionic Foot Detox Bath
Come and avail our life-changing Ionic Foot Detox Bath
that will make you feel younger and more lively at affordable prices.
Ionic Foot Detox Bath Removes Toxic Substances Naturally and Effectively
Are you tired of those skin rashes, uneven dark patches, and dark circles? Or are you done with swollen joints, sore muscles, low metabolism, and low energy? All these can indicate a build-up of harmful toxins and acidic waste in your body. With which we are all exposed to because of our polluted environment and chemical-ridden products. At Healthy Weigh Living, our Ionic Detox Foot Bath will help you get rid of these toxic substances naturally and effectively.
How Does Ionic Foot Detox Bath Work?
Every water molecule has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. When this molecule loses a hydrogen atom, the oxygen atom takes on a negative charge. These negatively charged ions neutralize the acidic waste in our tissues. When we take a walk along a beach, our body attracts millions of these negatively charged ions. So our Ionic Detox Foot Bath mimics this effect, only way more effectively and comfortably.
You need to put your feet in the water for about 30 minutes, while our Ionic Detox Foot Bath works its magic. Millions of negatively charged ions will then enter your body and start the alkalization of acidic toxins. After the session, you will feel the harmful elements of fat and residue mucus leaving your body, making you feel lighter and more energetic. You will see the marvelous effects, physically and mentally, in a single session.
Why Should You Try Our Detox Foot Bath?
Every day we deal with harmful pollutants and dangerous metal residues that find our way through our body and accumulate over time in our tissues. Toxic ridden body cells are imbalanced and lose the ability to get rid of harmful substances like parasites and toxins. It reduces the natural ability to protect itself. If not treated, they can cause damage to our skin, organs, energy, and mental health. Our system helps in removing heavy metals and chemicals from your body naturally as compared to other grueling detox procedures. It will give you relief from joint aches and soreness. You will notice an enormous change in your energy levels and your state of mind.
Ionic Foot Cleanse System
Our ionic cleanse system also helps in promoting good health by increasing your immunity, self-healing, and by promoting resilience towards allergies and flu symptoms. It also aids in healthy weight loss and ideal weight maintenance by increasing your metabolism, reducing cellulite, and activating fat-burning body mechanisms. You will see visible results in your skin as this detox helps in dealing with discoloration, dark circles and also gives a natural glow to your skin.
Along with this comprehensive procedure, we also help you by designing a diet tailor-made for you, which helps in boosting the benefits from the cleanse. The only thing to take care of is drinking enough water to balance the detoxification. Come and avail our life-changing Ionic Detox Foot Bath that will make you feel younger and more lively at affordable prices.

Why do you need to re-balance your body?
The body needs to cleanse itself of toxins each day. Toxins, that the body cannot eliminate are stored in fatty tissue, joints, muscles, and the brain. These toxins can clog cell membrane walls which are then unable to absorb enough nutrition to support normal cell functioning. Over time, this leads to reduced vitality and weakened immune and lymphatic systems. The Ionic Foot Detox bath helps the body re-balance itself, improve pH, and increase energy levels.
Will Ionic Foot Detox helps in Weight Loss?
Many people use diet pills for weight loss, and while they often produce results, there are many potential negative side effects. A detox foot bath has no side effects, and because it utilizes the mechanical and scientific principle of osmosis, it’s a healthy and natural way to shed weight.
Furthermore, you’ll notice an energy boost, reduced acne, and better-looking skin after a detox foot spa treatment.
How often should I do the footbath?
To start with, you can do the footbaths every 72 hours. After about 5-10 sessions, reduce to once a week. Then for maintenance, do it once a month.
Drink plenty of water during and after your session to keep oneself hydrated. It is important to always drink a sufficient amount of water, on a daily basis. Water cleanses the body. You can feel effects in as little as a single treatment, a minimum of 3 is recommended.
Will the water change color when there are no feet in the water?
It may! This is due to the chemical interaction of the water, salt, and the ionic exchange occurring with the array. Part of the color change occurs because of the natural oxidation of the array coil.
Why does the water change color during a session?
Salt, water, array coil, sweat, and secretions combine to affect the color of the water. This is a normal process. The color will vary according to the chemistry found in the water. The variation of colors is fascinating but it is the internal effects that are important, not what is happening externally in the water. The color of the water is not the definitive indicator of the session.
Is the color of the water significant?
The color varies from person to person. There are many elements that contribute to the color of the water. What is important is how you feel? Individual analysis of the water after the process is the only possible way to determine what is present in the water, plus the water would have to be analyzed prior to the treatment to determine what chemicals already exist in the water.
What waste products are expelled by the sweat glands in the feet?
Eccrine Sweat: Eccrine sweat is composed primarily of water with various salts, heavy metals, and organic compounds in solution. It is a filtrate of plasma, a colorless hypotonic solution that includes sodium, chloride, potassium, urea, bicarbonate, ammonia, uric acid, phosphorus, fatty acids, and other metabolic wastes. The tiny ducts of these glands pass through the dermis and epidermis and empty directly to the surface of the skin, or in Ionic Foot Detox Bath.
Will it remove medications from my body?
No! Only toxins are removed from the sweat glands in your feet. Vitamins, minerals, and medications are not excreted. How you feel is the most important element!
Why is salt added to the water?
Water is a poor conductor of electricity on its own. As a general guide, a quarter of a teaspoon of salt is sufficient, however, this may vary depending on your water type. For example, very hard water will require additional salt.
What happens after Ionic Foot Bath Session?
Side effects are very rare. However, some patients may experience mild nausea or dizziness after their treatment. You should always let your doctor know if you have any health conditions or take any medications, just to be safe. Patients with diabetes or open sores on their feet should not have a detox footbath.
Can anyone use the system?
NO! It’s not recommended for:
People with pacemakers or using a heartbeat regulating device or medicine
People who have had an organ transplant
*People who suffer from psychotic episodes, seizures
People with epilepsy
During pregnancy or lactating
Open wounds
People under a physician’s care (consult your doctor)
After a recent surgery (make sure you are released from doctor’s care) CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN IF YOU HAVE ANY DOUBTS!