Neuropathy Pain Relief with Infrared light therapy
Infrared light therapy provides neuropathy pain relief by stimulating the production of nitric oxide in the body, increasing blood circulation, reducing inflammation, and promoting healing.
Offers Home Visits For Infrared Services & Wellness Programs
Neuropathy Pain Relief with Infrared light therapy
Infrared light therapy provides neuropathy pain relief by stimulating the production of nitric oxide in the body, increasing blood circulation, reducing inflammation, and promoting healing.
How RLT is effective to Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome?
Adrenal fatigue is an increasingly common yet sometimes controversial diagnosis used to indicate depletion of the adrenal glands. Cortisol is a hormone released by the
Lymphatic Drainage – Let’s Get Wrapped!
Lymphatic drainage is a therapeutic technique that aims to improve the flow and circulation of lymph, a clear fluid that plays a crucial role in
Mineral Wraps with Infrared for Summer Beach Ready Body!
Do you find losing weight really frustrating? Shouldn’t be a lot easier this summer? Do you have a problem with stretch marks or need to
Enjoy Spring with the Best Anti-Inflammatory Grub
The season of spring is on the brink and this brings in immense growth in the menu which can surely be a treat to your
Reduce Inflammation with Infrared Light
We’ve all heard about inflammation—in fact, we all experience different kinds of inflammation for various reasons at any given time. However, the signs can be
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