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The more skeletal muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn. Why? Because muscle burns 22% of all calories more than anything else. So while dieting and exercise are important, maintaining or building skeletal muscle is important to prevent rebound weight gain and maintaining strength.
Visceral fat is found in the abdomen surrounding your vital organs. Since it’s not visible to the eye, it can go undetected. Excess of visceral fat may lead to high cholesterol, heart disease, and Type 2 diabetes.

The graph below displays your body’s responses to the virtual items for the organs and glands indicated. The range is the same value as appeared on your Dynamic Profile. Each item with an out of range response will have a bar that crosses the range line. Notice the items with the most extreme reactions and their relationship to each other. Your practitioner will help you understand these relationships and how they can impact your wellness. the calculations in this report also incorporate past session data so your future scans will establish a trend and you’ll see how these values change over time.

The graph below shows the Galvanic Skin Responses to Virtual Items of each of the vertebra indicated. Of most interest are the ones without range values. Spine-health is important because of the relationship between the spine and the nerve supply to every part of the body. The information on this graph is the current scan only and does not draw upon any historical data.
In today’s world, there are many environmental chemicals that act as endocrine disruptors that have a significant impact on your body’s ability to utilize hormones both correctly and efficiently. In addition, there are many food and water additives that also impact Endocrine/ Hormonal health. Being aware of and avoiding these toxins and stressors when possible will be a proactive step to improving your overall health.

Hormones are chemical messengers that travel through your bloodstream and enter tissues, where they turn on switches to the genetic machinery that regulates everything from reproduction to emotions to your sense of well-being. The body’s system of hormone production is formally known as the Endocrine System. Hormones can be thought of as the chemical force that animates you physically, mentally, and emotionally. Balanced levels are necessary for the optimal function of numerous physiological processes.

The first line of defense against disease-causing microorganisms in the skin and mucosal barriers. Behind this is a complex defensive system. Collectively these parts are known as the immune system.
The immune system neutralizes and destroys the microorganisms and the toxins created by them wherever they attack the body via the extensive lymphatic system (compromised of the spleen, thymus gland, tonsils, bone marrow, and other organs and tissues). The network of lymph vessels (capillaries and lymphatics) drains the clear body fluid known as the lymph from the tissues to the bloodstream. Special white blood cells that originate in bone marrow, known as lymphocytes, along with antibodies (proteins that neutralize foreign objects), are primarily responsible for carrying out the work of the immune system.

The first line of immune defense is called the mucosal barrier. Mucous membranes are an integral part of the immune system. They form a protective barrier between the interior of the body and the outside environment. The mucosal barrier is permeable and allows nutrients into the body while protecting it from infectious agents, allergens, and other harmful substances. If testing reveals that mucosal immunity is impaired, therapies should be initiated to rebuild it.
In addition to evaluating mucosal immunity, it is relevant to assess cell-mediated immunity and humoral immunity. Cell-mediated immunity works by the activation of specialized cells called macrophages and natural killer cells, which destroy intracellular pathogens (disease-causing microorganisms) Humoral immunity is the aspect of immunity that involves antibodies. Knowing the status of these immune components provides a comprehensive understanding of one’s ability to fight infectious agents, defend against toxic exposures such as chemicals and heavy metals, and kill aberrant cancer cells.